

152 items
    Discover our selection of chocolate delights from Milka, Ferrero, Nestle, Mondelez, Mars, and many more!
    152 items
    Barbie Choco-surprise egg 20 g Exotic Snacks Snaxies Montreal Quebec Canada
    Barbie Choco-Surprise Egg 20 g
    Hello Kitty Choco-surprise egg 20 g Exotic Snacks Snaxies Montreal Quebec Canada
    Hello Kitty Choco-Surprise Egg 20 g
    Paw Patrol Choco-surprise egg 20 g Exotic Snacks Snaxies Montreal Quebec Canada
    Paw Patrol Choco-Surprise Egg 20 g
    Peppa Pig Choco-surprise egg 20 g Exotic Snacks Snaxies Montreal Quebec Canada
    Peppa Pig Choco-Surprise Egg 20 g
    SpongeBob Choco-surprise egg 20 g Exotic Snacks Snaxies Montreal Quebec Canada
    SpongeBob Choco-Surprise Egg 20 g
    Chocolate Santa Claus 60 g Exotic Snacks Snaxies Montreal Quebec Canada
    Chocolate Santa Claus 60 g
    Kinder Joy DC Comics 20 g Exotic Candy Montreal Quebec Canada Snaxies
    Kinder Joy DC Comics 20 g
    Coffee Crisp Chocolate Bar 50 g Snaxies Exotic Snacks Montreal Quebec Canada
    Barre de chocolat Coffee Crisp 50 g
    Smarties Box 45 g - Snaxies
    Boîte Smarties 45 g
    Snickers Peanut Brownie Squares 34 g Exotic Chocolate Snaxies Montreal Quebec
    Snickers Peanut Brownie Squares 34 g
    Daim 3-Pack Chocolate 84 g Snaxies Exotic Snack Montreal Quebec Canada
    Daim 3-Pack Chocolate 84 g
    Kit Kat Vanilla Chocolate Bar 42 g Exotic Chocolate Bar Snaxies Montreal Quebec Canada
    Kit Kat Vanilla Chocolate Bar 42 g
    Snickers Pecan 40 g Exotic Candy Montreal Quebec Canada Snaxies
    Snickers Pecan 40 g
    M&M's Crunchy Cookie 38.3 g Snaxies Exotic Chocolate Montreal Canada
    Biscuit croquant M&M's 38,3 g
    M&M's Caramel Cold Brew 40 g Exotic Snacks Montreal Quebec Canada Snaxies
    M&M's Caramel infusé à froid 40 g
    Coffret Théâtre Menthes Junior 99 g
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